Miss Potty Trained
Cheers to my daughter Stephanie, she's completely potty trained before she turned 3. Actually the potty training process with her is quite a long way. She started when she just turned 2 last September of last year. But it's on and off. It's funny because there's a time that she wears panties, but when when she's about to pee or p**p, she will immediately wear her potty training pants. And there's a time also that she just switch back to training pants because of the Dora or Princess design in it. But no matter what, yahoo! finally, it's like I won a million dollar. I couldn't forget that first moment she she started to pee on her own, she called me, and showed me her pee , and then when I saw it, she immediately flushed it, washed her hands and wipe them. Oh men, I overreacted. We ( with Eric) indulge ourselves with ice cream to our hearts content . She deserved some sugar sometimes :-).

She is cute and lovely. She learns everyday.
Training is important for her.
Gina, You won a blogging award , please take it from my site.
Have a nice day.
(and yeah mom!)
She will be my last in diapers- so although I am looking forward to no more diapers, I am not rushing my baby to leave the diaper stage
btw, your little ones are so cute!