Tackle It Tuesday/Taking The Challenge

When I use the CLR, wow the smell doesn't make me sick. This is really a great help because from now on I don't have to wait for my husband to do the general cleaning. I can do it myself. He was here when I cleaned the bathrooms and and the kitchen and he was impressed.
Below are pictures of my job well done. I apologize if some of them are really gross. I couldn't believe it either that it was that worse. Well thanks to CLR it won't be happening anymore.
Before ..The Kitchen Sink
Soaking it with CLR for 3 minutes
Look a lot better
This is really worst but I love the challenge
CLR In Action!!
It looks brighter.. a lot better and cleaner than in the picture :-)
I really thank Lisa , the resident tackler at 5MinutesForMom for inviting us for this challenge. This doesn't only help me discovering CLR as the best Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaner for me, it also open a new phase in my home. That I could this job without my husband. He's so tired at work already so if he doesn't have to clean bathrooms anymore, which is really a great help. He is super proud of me.
I really thank Lisa , the resident tackler at 5MinutesForMom for inviting us for this challenge. This doesn't only help me discovering CLR as the best Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaner for me, it also open a new phase in my home. That I could this job without my husband. He's so tired at work already so if he doesn't have to clean bathrooms anymore, which is really a great help. He is super proud of me.