16 Lbs Versus 50 lbs
I'm on my 30th weeks of pregnancy and most of the people whom I've met thought that I'm in my 8th month and even worse some thought that I'll be giving birth in a week or so. Even my friends are teasing me that I look like I'm carrying twins. It alarmed me so bad. I was so worried. But lat Wednesday, during my doctor's appointment I found out that I only gained 16 pounds. My doctor said that the baby is just in the right size and her heartbeat is perfect. It was a relief for me. But what amazes me was when I found out that one of the pregnant ladies who worked in the clinic told me that she gained 50 lbs. already and she will be due next month and she didn't worry about it because it has been like it even with her past pregnancies. She had normal deliveries and her babies are healthy. She even don't have a hard time losing all those extra weight.Wow she must be using the best diet pill ever. Well, as long as the baby is delivered healthy osing those extra weight will be the least of my concern.