
It's pretty much harmonious in our house this week. Steph and Eric get along well. Bianca is Washington visiting her relatives. When Bianca is here it's a lil bit chaotic because she and Steph are always arguing on almost everything. Then Eric got upset most of the time because Steph don't play with him anymore because she plays with Bianca. Bianca don't like it when Eric plays with them. She has this "Girls only rule", although I don't tolerate it but I have to explain it to her carefully because she came from a different environment before living with us. She use to stay in a reservation, the person who use to take care of her has numerous calls from the CPS. That will picture out what kind of environment that was. That's why Bianca has to make a lot adjustments with us because I have a lot of house rules. But she pretty much adjusted well because she's smart.


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