Car Loan
When I was pulled over by a CHP Police one time, I really thought that he's going to impound my car. I was pulled over because the police thought that my car is not registered yet. But actually we already filed a complaint in DMV investigator against the car dealer where we bought our new car. So they will be in big trouble if they will not take care of my car registration ASAP. It's over 90 days already. I don't want my car to be impounded. I don't think it will happen anyway. I love the look of my new car, it's kinda sporty even though it's not a sports car. My friends love it. Once in awhile one of my friends borrowed it since her car broke down. I'll be happy if she will be approved for a Car Loan because I always have goosebumps every time she's using my car. She could apply in Apex Auto Loan where she will probably be approved in minutes. I'm just wondering how come these people ignore their credit. Oh well, that's their headache not mine.