First Appointment
Today is my first appointment with Dr. Tynes, my OB-Gyne. That's why I have butterflies in my stomach because the last time we talked, I already told him that I'm not having a baby anymore because I already have a set. But I'm sure he often heard this lines from other mothers too. Although I knew already how far I am right now because I made an appointment with our family doctor but this time it will be confirmed because Dr. Tynes is my OB. I wish I'm not gonna be poked with needles again, but it's one of those things that I don't have a choice. I hate needles!!That's why it took me a long time to schedule this appointment. Because I already know that I'm pregnant when I'm only 1 week delayed. Now I'm almost 3 months preggy. This pregnancy is different from the first two. I always have pain problems, if not with my gums, my head or my constant heartburn. One of my friends told me that maybe the baby felt that he/she was not accepted at first. I feel so bad about it. I feel like I'm the worst mom. It's just all the pains that I went through with the labor is all flashing back. But of course it's not my baby's fault. I realized that she/he is a blessing to us. My husband is so happy when he found out the positive test. He always yearns to have a big family and he feels like it's happening already. But I will be 31 years old already when I gave birth of our 3rd baby so to have another 1 is not safe for me anymore. So I'm sure my hubby will understand. I hope my appointment this afternoon will turned out right. It would be nice if I'll be able to know the baby's gender so that I will know who will won among my friends who are betting with the baby's gender. My husband is betting for a boy. Oh boy, this is exciting.
Make sure you get plenty of rest and healthy food. Plus the ginger spray helped me a lot with morning sickness, pls do not take anti-acid tablets bad for the baby. Take my word for it, it doesn't matter what your dr say about anti-acid don't take them.