Shopping is a habit that is so hard to stop.It's something that will satisfy our cravings for something. I can say that I'm not a shopaholic because I can pretty much control myself from shopping as compare to my best friend who shops many times in one month. Promise, I'm not kidding. Everytme she's stressed she shops. It doesn't matter which store and what brand. I, on the other hand is brand conscious. I have certain brands that I have proven to have good quality products such as Franco Sarto, Guess and Levis. I love Abercrombie and Hollister too.
Anyways, here I'm an again, on my shopping mood. My husband told me that I look good on a cowboy boots or western boots. He said I will look hot if I pair it with denim. That's why here I am on a lookout for a cowgirl boots. He wants me to get something like he have, an authentic one. But no way, they're like over a hundred dollars. I can find cheaper one. That's why I'm looking around. I have found some already and I'm just waiting till the prices will be marked down. I'm such a cheap shopper :-).
This is my favorite but it's of stock already.I'm looking for something like this. |
This is my second favorite..if the price will go down I might buy this one. |