My auntie, my Nanay Luisa was laid to rest yesterday. I still don't know what to feel and how to feel.I have suppressed my feelings so hard because I'm scared of the truth. I'm scared to realized that she's gone. How could that happened. I haven't seen her fora long time. She was such a good aunt. She's so nice to me. She treated me like her own. .When I look at her pictures, she don't likeshe' dead. Dead? I hate that word. How can someone die?I think death is unfair. I don't want my loved ones to die. I want to sped my lifetime with them. But sad to say death is inevitable. My cousins are trying to explain to me that it's not our call. That we are just a steward in this world. We are all just passersby. It' just hard because I wasn't even able to spend that much time with her. I thought I will be able to see her. I just didn't got the chance to go home last December. I could have spend some time with her for the last time. I pray to God that may she rest in peace and that all of us her loved ones especially her husband, my Tatay will be able to tolerate the pain of her passing. I will miss you forever Nanay Luisa. I love you!
My Nanay Luisa with my Mama during their get together in Surigao |
My Nanay Luisa with Tatay Torning her husband |