NIce Hotel
From the the start of summer season, particularly in the month of June, most of the hotel in Crescent City are always fully book. Even if there are several hotels in this place, they are always occupied by vacationist and travelers. Especially Super 8 hotel where it is the most accessible for travelers and have a wide parking space for their car and with the accommodation of their pets, this will cater their customers to stay in this hotel. Plus their customer service is satisfactory they have all the coming back customers.
Because I'm more familiar of this hotel and often come to this place, I always hear the positive comments from the customers regarding this place. Mostly they commented that they like Crescent City because it is peaceful, safe to stay, clean and beautiful. They always said, (I love this place). Every now and then there are vacationist from the nearby state such as from Washington State, Oregon, Nevada,and more and also from nearby cities and county in California, like from Eureka City, Medford, Cosby. Even from other country such as from Canada, Philippines and others want to visit Crescent City, because of the peaceful situation here as will as to observed the beautiful scenery of the city and to visit the world famous Redwood National and State Park.