Collecting Coins

Collecting modern world coins is the perfect way to add interesting and unique coins to our collection. At Modern Coin Wholesale Inc. deal in all modern U. S. coins and all modern world coins. They offer United State Mint States, and Proof American Silver Eagle, American Silver Eagle, American Gold Eagle, Platinum Eagle, U. S. Mint Commemorative, Buffalo Gold, and First Spouse Gold. Includes OGP (original government packaging). They have also a collection of modern world coins and international foreign mints such as Australia, Austria, Britain, Canada, China, France, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, and South Africa among many others.

If we want to invest in bullion they have plenty of options, they have the silver bullion which includes silver American eagle coin , Canadian Maple leaf coin, Australian Kookaburra coin, Australian Koala coin, Austrian Philaharmonic coins, and Mexican Libertad coins and others. They also sells ungraded coins at a low cost as well as silver bars from Sunshine, Johnson Mathey, and Engelhard, available in weigh of 1-oz., 5-oz, 1o-oz, and 1oo-oz. M. C. W. Inc. has also gold products such as PAMP Suisse, and Perth Mint ingots available in form of coin.
Modern Coin Wholesale Offers many coins that come with the original government packaging. Those are packaged for avid coin collectors. There latest modern coins are the 2013 silver buffalo and the 2013 -w-US American Eagle. The price is for American Eagle 1 oz. pure silver dollar PR-69- $86.95 And the American Eagle pure silver dollar PR 70- $103.95.

For more details browse modern coin wholesale .


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