Coosbay Trip

    Two days ago my wife and I accompanied our daughter, who took her exam in Southwestern Community College in Brooking, Oregon. We took a ride with her just purchased new car, because Lee her husband replaced her old service car because there already something wrong on its performance.
    We reached her school in Brooking at 2:00 PM. She immediately took her exam. After 30 minutes she finished her examination and returned back to the car. We proceeded to Coos Bay City where the main campus of Southwestern Community College is located, to attend the Pharmacy Class Student Forum and Field Trip. From Brooking to Coos Bay City, we have still to travel for about 100 miles,so we have to drive with the maximum allowed speed limit, to catch up the scheduled time at 5:00 PM.
    That was the first time she visited this place and the first time to drive her new car, these couple of unfamiliarity create a little bit hassled in our part, especially when we were approaching Gold Beach when we passed a certain narrow street where there were snow on the surface of the road ,there was a sudden inclination of the car. She began to be scared, because of the performance of the car. Maybe because this is quite bigger than her old one It differ in the performance from her cute old car which is easy to manipulate, especially in sharp curve. When we reached Gold Beach , we took a rest for 15 minutes to refresh her feeling of unsecured of our travel. She also fixed the site map and the right location of the school campus, so that we will not be lost in our way.
      After 15 minutes , we proceeded our trip, always monitor the time whether we can catch up the scheduled time. Even if , we were a little bit scared about our trip ,I diverse my attention of getting
pictures of the beautiful sceneries of the places which we passed by.
      We were very thankful to our God that we reached our destination safe and in exact in scheduled time. We reached to the main campus almost 5:00 PM. Their campus is so beautiful, with a large buildings, Its surrounding is quiet and peaceful. After their forum and orientation all they graduating pharmacy students proceeded to a tour in Walgreen Pharmacy in Coos Bay City. While they were there in the pharmacy we just stay in the car waiting until they will be through in their discussion about their subject matters. It was already 8:00 PM. when they get out from the pharmacy. We then proceed for home in Crescent City. We advised her to just drive at a minimum speed, anyway we are now going home, we have nothing to worry if we will be delayed in our travel. Its better to be late than sorry. It took us 6 hours to travel , vice versa in a distance of more or less 260 miles. That was our unforgettable experience to travel a distance place in a road test with a new car.


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