Christmas Shopping With Children

Guest post of the week by Val Flores

It's that time of year again where everyone is trying to get the perfect gift for everyone on their list. Santa is visiting the stores, Christmas trees and decorations line the streets. For my children and I, this is the time of year when each child gets their own shopping trip with mom to the store to buy all of the gifts for everyone on their list.

For my youngest and I, we usually can find everything she is looking for at one store. One aisle for the brothers and dad and then one aisle for her older sisters. We prefer to shop in the mornings when there are less people and a better selection of gifts. This year, we're breaking our shopping trips up into buying for dad and brothers first, then later going to a different store for the older sisters.

Shopping with my boys is a more difficult task. They know where the presents that they want for themselves are and they know what they want to get each other. Pointing them in the right direction for the girls is difficult. Boys do not want to be caught shopping in girls clothing or make up!

Regardless of which child I am taking shopping, I always make a point to set the security alarm ( at home before we leave. It would be very bad indeed to come home to find our house broken into and Christmas gifts missing!


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