3rd Day Of Recuperation

Like I said, since the accident I am so depressed that's why even though I'm not feeling well, me and my daughter went to church because it's Sunday. I was hoping that by going to church all my worries will be put to peace. I'm just depressed because I felt like my husband don't believe that I'm not really feeling good.I feel like he don't care for me. But you know I'm really like this when I'm sick, all I really wanted is my mom and since I wasn't able to get hold of her, I feel so down. In the church, I found out that the lady who's giving the Body of Christ is the one who rear-ended my car. This is really such a small town. She was kinda shocked when I was in her line during the Communion. But I'm not really sure yet if that was her. I tried to follow her and saw her driving a charcoal colored car so I thought I must be mistaken. Oh well.


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