Ice Cream and Spring/ Wordless Wednesday

My son and daughter enjoying their ice cream during the sunny day of Spring. Taken last Monday at 3 P.M. after buying ice cream from the ice cream van.


Cool one for Wordless... Mine's up too hope you can drop by... Have a great day!
Joy said…
Yum! Looks like it was a wonderful day!
Mrs. Stam said…
Spring is so much fun!
Anya said…
Yummieeeeeeeeeeee icecreme :))))
Beautiful and friendly picture !!
Happy WW ;)
Krista said…
How fun! I remember those days when I was little.
Staci said…
Looks like a perfect end to a perfect day!
Anonymous said…
My kids love love love ice cream all year around!!
Great picture -- Thanks for sharing!
MediMonsters said…
Look at Ms. Priss with her legs all cutely crossed. Precious!
Susie said…
What a great childhood memory to capture!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated WW!

What a great photo!

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